Here are my thoughts on sexism in the workplace I think that we have come along way I think that 90% of our male coworkers believe that we are just as confident and capable as our mail carports counterparts however there are still the underlying biases that are natural to the differences of our gender that haven’t been quite resolved

Seeking the advice of another man after woman has already given you a solid argument or a solid point is demeaning and although it is demeaning I don’t think that is done intentionally I think it is a natural process for men to seek feedback from something familiar

As women we often do the same thing we turn to other women when we feel that we need somebody to empathize with us

But in the moment that doesn’t make it any less hurtful or any less frustrating and so it is important to note that it is a bias that occurs for our male coworkers to understand it and try to recognize it and change the behavior before it happens and for us is females to not hold it against him when they fall through because of a biased it’s just still natural that they still haven’t grown past because change takes time

For the majority of my male coworkers I say thank you thank you for supporting me thank you for being strong with me thank you for recognizing the value that I brought to our teams for the 10% the guys that just don’t get it yet hey this is the direction of the future get on board if you want to continue to succeed because our future has no place for people who are unwilling to recognize their biases and modify their behavior to be more effective


Gender Bias: the new sexual harassment